Ask ‘how’ and ‘why’ rather than ‘what’!

2 min readJul 14, 2021


Our mind is preoccupied with all types of thoughts and distractions. The irony is that we are constantly trying to learn something when our mind is full. In this case, we forget to ask ourselves the quintessential questions — “how” and “why” and only touch the surface plank of “what”. It restricts our mind’s ability to conquer the well-etched solutions to problems and in the end, we just end up becoming a part of the problem!

The question of “why” sparks your ability to plunge deep into the recesses of your subconscious and the question of “how” triggers your mind to find answers to the problems. To achieve this level of sanity of thought processing, one must be the educator for the self.

Here are some takeaways you could follow.

Don’t just limit your imagination to the plain information presented before you. Think about the possible explanation to every latent question in it. Follow the Pomodoro technique. With every period of concentration spent, schedule a fraction of time with frequent breaks.

These breaks are important for your mind to process information acquired. Do you have the guts to say “No”? Make it a habit professionally and personally to refuse things that distract you. Most importantly start saying “No” to yourself when necessary. Track your progress and reward yourself judiciously. Avoid the Pygmalion cycle of self-praise. Make sure you are never the best but always in the process to be one. Face the competition, that’s it.

Zuperly is a revolutionary tool to enhance this ability of self-learning. A platform to curate and create content. With features ranging from Pomodoro to Trackers, it is a coat of arms for your journey of self-discovery.

Do check it out here.

— Nayan Jain , Content Writer Zuperly Ed-Tech




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It’s not just about reading and writing. It’s about renewing your self-motivation.

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