Gaming is Good For You: It’s Even Better for e-Learning

3 min readDec 8, 2020


“No more video games!” Isn’t that one of the most quintessential lines said in every home from time to time? We get to hear this proclamation especially during exam season, or when we’ve been slacking off with regard to studying. Video games are bad for us, aren’t they? Gaming is a bad habit that must be entirely curbed or, at least, strictly controlled. That’s what we all know.

What we all know is wrong. As per usual, Zuperly is back to transform your preconceived notions. Today, let’s demolish the myth of video games being damaging for our minds. Actually, gaming is good for our minds — truth be told, it’s great! Here’s why:

● Video games can actually modify your brain! Recent scientific research points toward changes in the brains of gamers. In fact, brain regions responsible for visuospatial abilities and alertness are not just changed — they are enhanced significantly! Sounds almost too good to be true, but it actually is.

● Studies have shown that brain areas pertaining to attention are more efficient in gamers. Hence, gamers are better at alertness demanding tasks than non-gamers since their attention span is at maximum already. It does not take them too much effort to sustain this alertness either. Gamers have their game on in more ways than one, it seems!

● Gaming does more than merely increase the efficiency of the brain. It actually also increases the size of the brain! Research experiments showed that gamers had a larger right hippocampus than non-gamers. To put it simply, the larger the right hippocampus, the better your visuospatial abilities. Pretty cool, huh?

Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking: “Gaming is great for our brain but what’s that specifically got to do with e-Learning?” To answer your question: quite a lot. Game play has proven benefits that can be incorporated into e-Learning. Here’s how:

● First of all, gameplay means an interactive experience! After all, staring at a screen ultimately has the just about the same charm as staring at a blackboard: none. When you game to learn, there’s a to and fro interaction. Learning becomes experiential. Everything you do has a consequence. That’s pretty awesome, for one.

● Gaming while learning results in better retention. As mentioned above, gaming enhances attentiveness. Gameplay in e-Learning maximizes this benefit. Gaming is interactive, so it is attractive, and since it makes you attentive, you retain more. Fun and learn? That’s a double win!

● Most importantly, game e-Learning keeps you engaged. We resist learning experiences due to multiple reasons and gameplay overrides that. Gaming is interactive and promotes retention: this keeps learners hooked. Yes, this you aren’t running from learning anymore. So gaming actually bridges the divide between the learner and learning. That’s impressive, to say the least.

Gaming and e-Learning are an unlikely great team: no one thought it’d work out, but it does! This new perspective is enthralling because it is so unlikely for most of us. Worry not, though, we’ll be here to introduce you to new ways of thinking. See you soon!




Written by Zuperly

It’s not just about reading and writing. It’s about renewing your self-motivation.

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