Would you agree with the saying “You’re only as good as your values?” Values are the principles and standards by which we live our mundane life but do they actually define us? Think about the moral science classes we had in our schools where we were taught a set of values since childhood. Values such as honesty, respect, dedication, lifelong learning, etc were often taught and discussed in the sessions but did it actually help us?
In my opinion, an individual functions and thinks via the values relegated to them. Honesty, truthfulness, dedication, etc are universal values that actually shape the life and work ethic of an individual thus, leading them to success and satisfaction.
Zuperly, not so much like your moral classes though, believes and functions with a set of values too! Learning values to enrich the learner. It promotes self-learning as where the learner reads and imbibes knowledge themselves. Life-long learning — that Zuperly swears by as we believe learning does not stop once you step out of your school or college.
Mindfulness is promoted at Zuperly where the learner must be conscious and aware of why and what they are learning. Questions like why, what, where, and how are very important as they create the urge and excitement to learn a particular topic. Learning is a long process where knowledge is imparted from every institution of the society such as family, friends, workplace, etc. But that’s not enough. Which is where Zuperly comes in with its resources.
“Don’t be busy, be productive” is a thought highly promoted by Zuperly. We often get overwhelmed with an immense variety of knowledge which leads to exhaustion and thus, loss of interest to learn. A precise resource must be selected which must be efficiently imbibed and acknowledged. We must make sure that there isn’t a huge ratio between our input and output and thus, efficiency and smart learning is promoted. “Time is money!” Well, undoubtedly it is. We also respect and acknowledge each other’s time and believe that saving time is saving money and energy.
So let me ask you now, do you still believe values are unnecessary?
— Teethi Nag, Content Writer Zuperly Ed-Tech