Optimise your lifestyle to enhance learning retention

3 min readFeb 11, 2022

We consume loads of information throughout our lives. Whether it be the endless mathematical formulas or learning a new skill later in life, how much of this knowledge do we actually retain? New learnings slip through the everyday buzz of our lives, and our effort and time get wasted. However, making certain changes to your lifestyle can radically change how you process and retain information. Here are some habits which may help you learn better;

  1. Find a Suitable Learning Style

It is seen that there are different types of learners who accommodate different styles to learn. There are people who are visual, kinesthetic or auditory learners. It is essential to know which style suits you best to optimise your skills and retain better.

Visual learners better with books, charts and graphs, et cetera. Auditory learners can process information best when they hear it being spoken out loud. Kinesthetic learners need hands-on experiences like study models to learn better.

Once you identify which style fits you, learning becomes more manageable.

Read more to learn how to study more efficiently to retain better: Zuperb tips to read faster and retain more.

2. Organise Your Space and Schedule

Being organised is an important skill to have. This includes keeping your workplace clean; decluttering represents determination and confidence towards your goals. A clean space would encourage you to work more diligently and eliminate useless distractions.

Similarly, creating a routine that suits your workload is equally essential. A schedule that covers all the necessary tasks before the deadlines and leaves you with enough time to relax and pursue your hobbies is highly recommended. Following a set to-do list leaves you more focused and boosts productivity. Your retention and memory are bound to increase as your mind gets decluttered and your work quality becomes superior.

3. Change Your Diet

Reports have said that certain food items boost memory. These items are referred to as ‘brain food’ such as whole-grain food, cereals, beans and nuts. Incorporating berries such as strawberries also positively affects long-term memory.

In general, maintaining a healthy diet has many long-term benefits. Along with the several physical health benefits, a well-balanced diet is proven to promote memory and retention.’Brain food’ increases focus and concentration as well. Staying hydrated is also just as important as having healthy food.

4. Maintain a Healthy Routine

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A well-rounded daily routine is necessary which includes physical exercise, mental breaks and a proper sleep schedule. Physical exercise boosts mental capacity and focus. This doesn’t mean that you spend hours and hours at the gym; even taking a short jog or skipping counts as exercise. It refreshes your mind and makes you capable of grasping more information.

Taking breaks is equally important. Working constantly can drastically reduce your attention span and, therefore, your ability to retain what you learn. Since this is counter-effective, taking short breaks to pursue your hobbies or to simply relax for some time is actually refreshing. It allows you to rejuvenate yourself.

A proper sleep schedule can truly become a game-changer. Sleeping late at night or pulling all-nighters is said to diminish our retention abilities. Many students choose to skip their sleep to catch up on their syllabus, but this doesn’t help. Getting an adequate amount of sleep keeps you alert and fresh. Being lazy and tired due to lack of sleep reduces your memory.

5. Lifelong Learning

Your approach towards learning changes everything. Keep your mind sharp and receptive to new knowledge. Learning a new language or solving brain games like crosswords keeps you on your toes and stimulates your nerve endings.

Learning is endless, and indulging in acquiring knowledge challenges your brain and keeps it sharp.

To know why lifelong learning is so beneficial, read The Path Towards Ultimate Success: Lifelong Learner.

Developing a superior memory capacity is a process, and changing your lifestyle habits is the first step. Try out these tips and see if they improve your retention!

-Anushka Das, content writer




It’s not just about reading and writing. It’s about renewing your self-motivation.