They say time is money. Thanks to the lockdown, we all have become pretty ‘rich’. How do we make the most of this currency, though? Time well managed is time well spent. The importance of time management is a well established truth. Many of you may be acquainted with the idea of SMART management. Those who do not, here you go. SMART is one of the popular time management techniques focusing on the system / goals. That’s cool but that’s done.
Bringing in a centralized perspective, let’s focus on the priority: you. This is where ZMART planning comes in. What’s that, you ask? Don’t you worry, I’m here to Zuperlify it for you. This is how you should be working:
- Zealously: Enthusiasm is more than just a sunny attitude. Having zeal for the work you are doing will make sure you finish it. After all, motivation is the key to getting anything done. This is the push you need to complete work.
- Meticulously: Managing time well does not mean rushing through tasks, which is bound to cause errors. Hurried work means redoing it, and wasting more time. Going through your assignments meticulously may seem laborious. Yet, this will actually save you time in the long run.
- Assertively: Don’t be unsure of yourself. If you’ve put your honest effort into something, be confident about it. Take charge, and take initiative. Being assertive leads to making the most of what you’ve achieved. It makes the most of your time.
- Regularly: Follow your priorities like a religion. Consistency is the key here. Naturally, there are going to be times when you fall short. It is the regularity that makes you better adapted in working situations. When you are already used to committing to work, imposed deadlines will no longer be scary.
- Timely: Punctuality is always preferred. Everyone loves it when people are on time! Treat your goals the way you would want to be treated yourself. Simply keeping the aim of being timely in mind will inch you closer to achieving it.
The ZMART life is not something that can be implemented in a day. It is more than the run of the mill time management tips. It is a process that pays off in a while. People refuse to make the change because they feel they will fail. Failure is but one of the steps to success. What is crucial is if you are willing to make the choice: to manage work systematically. That’s all for now, I am done — in under a minute! Wasn’t that pretty ZMART of me?
Shaoni Rakshit
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