3 min readMay 29, 2021


Did the title of the blog catch your eye? Are you bewildered as to how the circle of life is related to lifelong learning? Then let us do a quick recapitulation of life in general. Human beings for time immemorial have learned skills and used them to become better hunters or gatherers. Skills were learned and further developed to practice cultivation, and there was a shift where humans mostly preferred to stay in one place, rear livestock, cultivate their lands, and so on.

The Dawn of Civilisation then beckoned the human race and we saw skills being learned and unlearned, and this cycle of learning has continued for a long time. Fast-forward to the twenty-first century, where a pandemic wrecked our ‘normal’ way of life and we saw the beginning of a complex technological revolution. However, at the same time, jobs are getting rapidly modified and the threat of automation looms large. Yet, new skills are being learned and acquired every day, and skills that we have learned in our early stages of life are being developed and used consistently.

The circle of life has always revolved around lifelong learning. One might have not heard about this term or concept but it has been in existence for a very long time. If we try to categorize lifelong learning then we get two broad divisions, i.e., personal development and professional development of an individual.

As we keep pushing ourselves to set new milestones, as we keep learning, our mind is getting sharper day by day and this can greatly benefit you in the long run. When we learn something new, the experience is quite exhilarating, right? I remember when I taught my grandmother how to use her smartphone and how to use social media, she was beyond ecstatic and she spent countless hours trying to understand more about it; she felt a sense of thrill and the inner child in her did some cartwheels every time she connected with an old friend or was able to see photos of her friends. Similarly, learning new skills, technological, mechanical or any other type of skill, can help in the personal development as well as in acquiring technical skills that can help one’s career or professional life.

This way when we learn a new skill or a hobby, learn to use technology, and so on can go a long way as it can boost our self-esteem and even add some spice and excitement to our lives. Furthermore, we might even take up some courses online that simply attract us or help us understand and simplify some academic challenges that we are facing. Thus, all such learnings constantly help us in our personal development.

Moreover, when we apply for a job, the employers in the interview round or the statement of motivation actively seek an individual who has transferable skills. Even if we have written about it, most of us still might be unsure how to make our CV and statement of motivation/cover letter stand out to employers. One way to stand out is to explicitly mention and even explain that you are very eager to learn and develop.

Be it our passion that we always wanted to indulge ourselves in, or pursuing our personal interests to cracking the career milestones that we had set, lifelong learning can help us to achieve it all and provide us with personal fulfilment as well as satisfaction.

Therefore, what the process of lifelong learning does is that it recognizes the ‘circle of life,’ it acknowledges that we as humans have an innate desire to explore things, learn, gather new knowledge, and simultaneously grow and develop ourselves. It encourages us to improve our outlook about life, improve our quality of life and increase our self-worth. It also highlights and celebrates our individuality. Hence, lifelong learning helps us strategize, improvise, and inspires us to get closer to our life goals every day.

Are you in awe of lifelong learning, and you can’t wait to discover your individuality? You can’t wait to reach the goal that you had set for a long time, now? Then wait no more, subscribe to Zuperly now and get your hand on the latest techniques of lifelong and personalized learning! Join Now!

-Rajnandini Barman




Written by Zuperly

It’s not just about reading and writing. It’s about renewing your self-motivation.

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