3 min readJun 2, 2021


Remember the time your parents told you the phrase “work hard now and reap its benefits later”? These words echo in our minds after we appear for exams, as we step into another year of class, and retire or graduate from one, and the process goes on and on. Along the way, we realized that this hard work never stops, and as we move from one stage to the other in our life, we tend to forget some information, retain some, and learn a lot more. The characteristic of a ‘learner’ has gone through complex changes from learning, to do jobs; retiring evolved to being adaptable and agile. As such, ‘learners’ are motivated to embark on the journey of lifelong learning, where they are not constricted to just learning and doing but are engaged in learning, unlearning and resting.

This might just seem way too complex but trust me it is not! To be a lifelong learner you need to constantly let go of some things, and this will create new space for learning something more. So it is basically like ‘give and take’ relationship where you giveaway (read: discard) some of the things that you learned earlier and take in new knowledge and information — this is a constant loop, much like the infinity loop. Unlearning primarily entails self-awareness about our thoughts, beliefs, habits, skills, and our big encyclopaedia of whatever we have learned till now.

The trick to unlearn in lifelong learning is to figure out which thoughts, habits, or any other things are keeping you from attaining particular goals or holding you back, and then you unlearn them. Much like when we were young we thought that earthquakes happened because God was “angry” but then as we grew up we learned about tectonic plates and seismic activities and shed our former beliefs. Likewise, we must have thought that anyone with great vocabulary can only write books, or blogs, or articles but then that is not true. One might have great writing skills but writings skills are acquired over a period of time, so it is all about practicing and being dedicated to it!

Bruce Lee said, “empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality.” Letting go might not be a very easy task, but one way is that you can pen down your thoughts and beliefs, which may be as many as 10 a week, that are in some way limiting you from realizing your true potential or holding you back. Then list down as many as 10 activities or habits that are not bringing productivity in your life, but which you have been engaged in for a long time now, jot them down. Now try to read, try to do some research, and begin the process of re-educating yourself on subjects and topics you have unlearned and take action, develop a new skill or habit over at least a month that is based on the new knowledge that you have acquired.

This way, if you start to assess yourself and take action consistently you will notice that a bunch of positive changes, mindfulness, and increased productivity start to blossom in your life. Hence, learning and unlearning are crucial factors in lifelong learning just like yin and yang, and without the other, the learning process is not fruitful and complete. Therefore, as Alvin Toffler said, “the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn!”

Do you want to start unlearning and re-learning, and are tired of looking everywhere and don’t know where to begin? Well, you just are in the right place! Zuperly perfectly understands the importance of learning and unlearning that it can’t wait to simplify the process for you. Don’t hold back! Sign up now and get on the waitlist!

-Rajnandini Barman




Written by Zuperly

It’s not just about reading and writing. It’s about renewing your self-motivation.

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