The minute we hear productivity our ears rise upright like a bunny and even
more when we hear the word “hack”.
Hello all and welcome to another blog with a fantastic approach to
Productivity, especially during these times when the world seems high and
dry. It is becoming hard to keep up with things, isn’t it? Routines and
schedules have gone to the drain but we know working is the only thing
that can keep us distracted and keep our sanity intact.
When it comes to productivity hacks, the idea is to NOT OVERBURDEN
your already exhausted mind and also get the WORK DONE without any
Are you excited at all for what we have in store for you? Here’s what-
The best productivity hack goes without saying!!!Getting 8–9 hours of sleep every night.
Second best is exercising 30–60 minutes each day.
Both of these things may seem obvious and overlooked, and yet make a
more meaningful and immediate impact on the quality of your thinking than 99 percent of overused productivity tips.
For today, we’ll again focus on something simple, but NEW because it’s
overlooked. If you are an APPLE USER, this will be a marvel for you.
What you need to do is!!-
Set your phone timer to one hour and make the following hourly list on your
notes app/ pages app
Date: …
Eg. Meditate, shower…40minutes.
Eg. read 3 chapters…60minutes.
And so on till your sleeping time per se
Total productive time:
Everytime the timer goes off, fill in what you’ve done for the last hour + how many minutes you were actively productive for.
eg: showers, eating and other routine tasks can’t be counted as productive, social media is distractive. Reading/ meditation/ writing/working/ practicing/working out all count as productive tasks.
At the end of the day add up the cumulative time you’ve spent being
Any activity that inches you towards your (predetermined) goals counts as
If you haven’t already written down your 1 month, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year
and 20 year plans then you’re living quite an aimless existence. This can
be debatable considering how we are constantly hammered by the idea of
living in the moment or living mindfully in the present.
Practically speaking it is impossible for a human to live aimlessly, very
much in the moment without consciously or quite unconsciously thinking
about his/ her future.
We also almost always have our focus around things that involve
progressing towards a better tomorrow, a better career, a better future, and
ultimately a better life!
Improve everyday, keep increasing the bottom line.
This will change your life.